lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008

Project Ideas

There are many types of effective projects can address a specific community or school need, transform existing work experiences or jobs into projects, or develop a project based on classroom curriculum. Other projects can focus on career research.
Here are some ideas for projects:
º Design a living history museum or recreate an historical event.
ºDesign and plan a community garden.
ºDevelop a newsletter or Web site on a specific issue relevant to the school or community (school safety, recycling, how businesses can save energy and reduce waste, etc.)
ºConduct a survey of historical buildings.
ºCreate a book on tape for senior center or elementary school class.
ºCreate a wildlife or botanical guide for a local wildlife area.
ºCompile oral stories of the local area by interviewing community elders.

The possibilities for the projects are endless. The key ingredient for any project idea is that is student driven, challenging, and meaningful.


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